Godspeed to Rev. Sandy and David 


Sandy and David Stayner will be retiring in October of this year. We thank them deeply for all they have done at St. Peter’s and wish them a very joyful retirement! 

This page will be continuously updated with news and information as we move through the transition of leadership to a new rector. Check back often to stay up to date with our progress and find ways to help during this process.


Materials from our Sept. 24th Parish Meeting

We had a productive meeting talking together about how the process of finding a new minister works and how the congregation will need to utilize lay leadership as we move through the process. Below are some materials we talked through at the meeting:

A letter from our Wardens

In this letter, Senior Warden, Kim Clarke, and our Junior Warden, Sam Dunlop review the transition and search processes and how they will be different from how they have worked in the past.  Read the letter here.

Read the letter from Sandy and David

In July, Sandy and David sent a letter to our St. Peter’s parish family about their plans to retire.  You can read that letter here.

What happens when a rector retires from a parish?

In this letter, Sandy talks to the St. Peter’s community about what the process will entail as we seek a new rector. You can read the letter here.

You are a remarkably gifted, strong and resilient group of people, a rare and wonderful parish community. We look forward to watching from the sideline as new dreams take root, new gifts emerge and your compassionate ministry with each other and the world continues to flourish.”

-Sandy and David Stayner

Train to become a Lay Reader for St. Peter’s

In the Episcopal Church, a licensed lay minister or lay reader is a person authorized by a bishop to lead certain services of worship, to preach and to carry out pastoral and teaching functions. They are formally trained and admitted to the office, but they remain part of the laity, not of the clergy.

When there is no priest in charge you will need more lay leadership for the liturgy. Because it will not be possible to find a priest to celebrate Holy Communion every week, you will need lay people who have been trained to lead a prayer service (which in the Episcopal Church is called Morning Prayer).

Any member of the Episcopal Church who is baptized and confirmed or has been received into the Episcopal Church can become a lay reader.

If you are interested in learning more and/or train to become a Lay Reader, please reach out to Rev. Sandy at sandra.stayner@stpeterscheshire.org or 203.464.0155.


Sunday, October 22, 9:00 AM and 11:15 AM
There will be a meeting for those who signed up to lead a Morning Prayer service. We will check for robes, learn about the microphones, and run through each service.  

  • 9:00 AM meeting time for those who signed up to lead a Morning Prayer service at the 8:00 AM service
  • 11:15 AM meeting time for those who signed up to lead a Morning Prayer service at the 10:00 AM service


Retirement Party for Sandy and David
Saturday, October 145:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Please join Sandy, David, Matt, and Jenna as we rejoice in 20 years together at St. Peter’s. We welcome parishioners current and past, dear friends, staff, and clergy. Plentiful appetizers accompanied by creations from the Hospitality Committee. Come celebrate with us! Childcare will be provided

Ending of a Pastoral Relationship
Sunday, October 22, 5:00 PM
The Rt. Rev. Laura Ahrens will lead a service for the ending of a pastoral relationship that takes place when a rector leaves a parish. During the service, the wardens will be presented with a letter of Sandy’s resignation, the keys of the parish, the parish altar service book and the parish register.

The parish is invited to attend the service and participate in a reception immediately following in the parish hall.

Sandy’s Last Services
Sunday, October 29, 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
Reception and Halloween Party in Parish Hall immediately following the 10:00 AM service

What is certain to be an emotional morning will also hold a spooktacular theme in the parish hall! We bid farewell to our beloved clergy, while our children celebrate Halloween. Feel free to join us in your best Halloween costume and attire. The Stayners wouldn’t have it any other way!

Opportunities to Contribute to the Farewell

We need your help to make this farewell as special as the Stayners!

Submit your favorite St. Peter’s pictures and videos for a slideshow and photobook
Do you have a photo(s) of the Stayner family that you would like to share? Although we cannot guarantee that all submissions will be included, we will do our best to cover 20 years of ministry. Ana Dunlop is coordinated this effort, and photos may be submitted in two ways:

Write a letter, create a poem, send your best wishes
Have something you would like to put in writing? You may send your sentiments to Kim Donaldson by email kd1918@yahoo.com or you may place a handwritten note in her mailbox at St. Peter’s (in the hallway next to the parish office) to be included in the album.

Please send your notes to Kim no later than October 23rd.

Give a Monetary Gift in Celebration of Retirement
For many vocations, it is customary to provide a “purse” upon retirement, and we hope you consider donating to Sandy’s life after St. Peter’s. You may donate by check, made out to St. Peter’s Church, with “Retirement” in the memo portion of the check. Cash donations are also welcome – please place them in an envelope labeled “Retirement”.

You may place your gift in the offering plate, the red box outside the parish office, or you may mail it to Beryl Lyons, 22 Woodridge Court, Cheshire 06410. Please send in your contributions no later than October 23rd.

Leadership during the transition:

When a rector leaves, the Senior and Junior Wardens are in charge of the parish and will guide you through the process of finding new clergy leadership.

At St. Peter’s those leaders are:

  • Kim Clarke, Senior Warden
  • Sam Dunlop, Junior Warden

Additional leadership includes:

  • Charlie Waggoner, Treasurer
  • St. Peter’s Vestry

A prayer for our rector search

O God, who has blessed and sustained us through the years; we ask that you continue to lead us, stretch us, and direct us, in our search for a new rector. Raise for us, we pray, a priest and pastor who will boldly proclaim your Gospel, faithfully administer your sacraments, and serve your people with love and compassion, that we may continue to grow in the likeness of Christ and be a beacon of love and hope to our community and the world. To the glory of your Holy Name. Amen.