St. Peter's Safe Church Policy
All who teach or work with children and youth are required to attend a Safe Church training

Safe Church Training
- Provided by the Episcopal Church in Connecticut (ECCT)
- Link to ECCT complete information, the training schedule and online registration information
St. Peter’s Safe Church policy requires that all who teach or otherwise work with children and youth regularly attend a Safe Church training session, provided by the Episcopal Church of Connecticut, within the first year of their engagement and, subsequently, every three years. After the initial training, you may attend the lay re-certification class, which is offered as a 2 ½ – 3 hour morning or evening class at various locations for your convenience.
There is no fee. Registration is online. Once training has been completed, please provide a copy of your training certificate to the St. Peter’s administrator.
These classes are open to all Episcopalians in Connecticut and fill quickly. Those who have never had Safe Church Training or have not been certified within five years are required to participate in one of two options: a full day in-person training or an online and part-day in-person training.
Sunday Services
8:00 am Rite I Worship
10:00 am Rite II Worship
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St. Peter's Episcopal Church
59 Main Street
Cheshire, CT 06410
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