Racial Understanding and Equity

Now is the time to look at ourselves honestly. To name and challenge the patterns of racism and bias that have characterized the dominant culture in our nation. We will do this in how we pray, listen, speak and act.

Continuing anti-racism work at St. Peter’s:

The Sacred Ground Dialogue Series

St. Peter’s is proud to restart our exploration of anti-racism work using the Sacred Ground as a framework. Sacred Ground is a film and readings-based series that explores our history of race and racism from all perspectives. It weaves in stories of family, ancestry, economic and social class, power, and identity.

Sacred Ground is part of Becoming Beloved Community, the Episcopal Church’s ongoing commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice.  The Beloved Community that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. envisioned is a community where love and trust triumph over fear and hatred, peace with justice prevails, and all people are cared for and treated equally and with respect.


We anticipate having two 60-minute organizational and introductory sessions between Thanksgiving and Christmas and to proceed in earnest in January 2023. The plan is to meet every few weeks through June, pause for July and August, and pick up again in September to the end of 2023.

Who can participate?

Everyone! We are extending a sincere invitation to all to join our dialogue circle. Please invite family, friends, and neighbors to join.


Contact Joe D’Agostino (text or call 203-217-4312)

Express your interest in participating in this educational and transformational conversation by signing up here.

More information and resources:

Previous Racial Understanding Programming

2021-2022 programming can be found here.

A prayer in times of violence
God of all humanity
in times of violence
we see how inhuman we can be.
We pray for those who, today,
are weighed down by grief.
We pray for those who, yesterday,
were weighed down by grief.
And the day before,
and all the days before the day before.
We pray, too, for those who help us turn towards
justice and peace.
Turn us all towards justice and peace
because we need it.


O God.  You have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth.
Help us to see your likeness in every person.

-from the Corrymeela Community