St. Peter's Long and Unique History

“St. Peter’s is a simple little New England Church, but its history tells us that from its very beginning St. Peter’s has been filled with courageous people who are not afraid of innovation and change.” 250th Anniversary sermon, given by Rev. Sandy

St. Peter’s is more than an institutional church – it is a community of faithful people who have gathered for more than 250 years to worship and share God’s love with this world. Our historic building in the center of Cheshire, Connecticut, was built with bricks that parishioners purchased and hauled by horse and wagon from a North Haven brick works.


Today, we – the members of St. Peter’s – are stewards of this extraordinary historic building and its legacy of community generosity.

Review these two St. Peter’s histories to learn more:
(Please be patient. These are large, and fascinating, pdf files that will take time to open in a new window.)

We started to peal the bell and all of a sudden the rope went taut and there was a deafening clunk. I looked at Leon and said “Run!” I thought that the 2 ton bell might just come crashing through the ceiling, on its way to the basement…” from St. Peter’s Celebrating 250 Years, edited by Evie Michaud, 2010


Remember by whose hands these walls were reared and whose voices they had again and again echoed. Remember, while building anew to the Lord, the gratitude which you owe to generations that are past…” from St. Peter’s: An Informal History, by Helen E. Bray, November 1985

We’re proud to be “The Pumpkin Church”!

St. Peter’s Episcopal has, for good reason, become known as Cheshire’s “Pumpkin Church.” For 20 years, a Community Pumpkin Patch has appeared every September and October along the Main Street entrance to the historic church—among the highest visibility spots in Cheshire. For many town residents, fall doesn’t truly arrive until the pumpkins appear at St. Peter’s.

Read our story

Sunday Services

8:00 am Rite I Worship

10:00 am Rite II Worship


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St. Peter's Episcopal Church
59 Main Street
Cheshire, CT 06410


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