How to Give

Automatic Pledge Payment through your Bank
Set up automatic payments through your bank to pay your St. Peter’s pledge weekly, monthly, quarterly — whatever frequency you select. There is no cost to you or St. Peter’s when you opt for this solution. Access your bank website’s online bill pay section and follow the instructions to set up automatic payment. Or visit your bank’s branch office for a personal consult.
Automatic bank payments ensure your pledge is payed consistently. It saves you time and money because there is no bank charge for this service. You don’t have to remember to write a check and bring or mail to church. You may be able to set up email alerts that remind you when your payment will be sent or confirm that it has been made.

Pay with Cash or Check
Use St. Peter’s pledge envelopes to submit your payment each Sunday, or with the payment schedule you choose, in the collection plate. If you don’t have a pledge envelope, place your check in the collection plate and your account will be credited. We always welcome cash donations, but we cannot credit individuals with cash donations, unless placed in an envelope with donor’s name.

Give Online
Use St. Peter’s new online giving functionality to set up automatic pledge payments weekly, monthly, quarterly — whatever frequency you select — directly from a bank account, or using a credit card. If you use online giving, please consider adding an additional 1% for bank fees or 2.75% for credit/debit card fees to defray these processing costs, which will be charged to St. Peter’s.
Online giving is an efficient and user-friendly solution that incurs a small charge to St. Peter’s for each online transaction.
Learn more . . .
Sunday Services
8:00 am Rite I Worship
10:00 am Rite II Worship
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St. Peter's Episcopal Church
59 Main Street
Cheshire, CT 06410
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