Eco-Justice Council Action
Our Mission
Our vision is to work together to build a just and sustainable ecological ethic that informs our actions every day, based on: cooperation, mindfulness, simplicity, temperance and respect for nature. Join us in strengthening our parish’s commitment to environmental consciousness and working with the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, other faith communities and business and government advocates.
Seeding Backyard Composting
Our partner, Coalition for a Sustainable Cheshire (CSC) has launched a campaign to raise $$ and educate our community about the benefits and ease of backyard composting.
AND to distribute 120 FREE Earth Machine backyard compost bins and kitchen compost pails throughout Cheshire.
Your donations at every level are tax-free and will be matched $ for $ by a grant from Sustainable, CT.
Link to learn more, register to win a composter, and donate TODAY.
Learn more about our partner:
Sustainable Cheshire
Our Events
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Link to a Video Recording of the 9 am Spiritual Communion and Celebration of Earth Day 2020
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Honor Earth Day’s 5oth Birthday
- Join the Great Global (Solo) Clean Up and bring it to Cheshire. This week and next month – whenever you are out walking, biking, jogging – bring a bag to collect trash. Or dedicate a family outing this weekend. Submit a photo on our website or email to
- Access the online Plastic Footprint Calculator to see how you and your family impact the environment and find simple steps you can take to reduce your footprint.
- Engage the family to celebrate our National Parks by downloading a National Park coloring page. Or take an up close look at the marvels of creation: 6 Animal Webcams . . . be patient with the brown bear.
Green Houses of Worship
The Council is working, with others at St. Peter’s, toward the certification of our parish as a “Green House of Worship.” This program is sponsored by the Interreligious Eco-Justice Network. We have completed Level 1 of the 3-tiered system. See the Green Houses of Worship requirements.
Branded Bags and Bottles
We have produced a new reusable, packable grocery tote bag just in time for the CT state-wide law restricting single-use plastic bags in retail stores. We distributed them FREE at the Cheshire Fall Festival. We also now have snazzy St. Peter’s blue stainless steel water bottles to replace all the plastic water bottles that end up on our streets and beaches. No need to buy water in plastic bottles ever again. Learn more about “what’s the problem with plastic bottles.”
Links to Online Resources
- Creation Care (National Episcopal Church)
- Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations Environment Resources
- ECCT Climate and Environmental Stewardship Ministry
- Interreligious Eco-Justice Network
- Coalition for a Sustainable Cheshire
- Sustainable CT
- Green Houses of Worship
- Save the Sound
- Prevent Stormwater Pollution
- Save Our Water, CT
- Yale Climate Connections
Sunday Services
8:00 am Rite I Worship
10:00 am Rite II Worship
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St. Peter's Episcopal Church
59 Main Street
Cheshire, CT 06410
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If you would like to add information to our web calendar, Sunday bulletin or eNews please email