Change of service announcement:
Due to the impending snowstorm, we will not be holding in-person services on Sunday, Feb, 9th. We will hold one Morning Prayer service at 10:00 AM on Zoom.
- Service Zoom link
(If needed, the Meeting ID is 828 5329 5185 and the Passcode is 030205) - The order of service can be found here
Change of service announcement:
Due to the impending snowstorm, we will not be holding in-person services on Sunday, Feb, 9th. We will hold one Morning Prayer service at 10:00 AM on Zoom.
- Service Zoom link
(If needed, the Meeting ID is 828 5329 5185 and the Passcode is 030205) - The order of service can be found here
Eco-Action–caring for creation
Sunday, Feb. 16, following the 10:00 AM service
With lots of images, parishioner Lauren Coles will tell her story of working with others to enable an African village to create a safe, sustainable water supply.
As a member of The Connecticut Professional Chapter of Engineers Without Borders, Lauren traveled with Chapter colleagues to the village of Ndaleta in Tanzania in the Fall of 2024.
2024 Annual Report
Thank you to our amazing Parish for a wonderful Annual Meeting. Our community is strong and growing every day…let’s keep up the great work!
Read the Annual Report and see what we’ve been up to!
Join the St. Peter’s Choir
If you like to sing, or think you might like to sing…join the St. Peter’s Choir!
There are no age range limitations, and no auditions are needed. Being able to read music is helpful but not required. We are a very friendly and welcoming group!
Please come join us…we are excited to welcome new members!
Reach out to Stuart Duncan (stupaulduncan@gmail.com) with interest and questions.
what we’re about
Supporting out Children and Youth
At. St. Peter’s, your children will learn about faith, the Bible, service to the community, fellowship, and caring for the earth. They will discover that they are loved unconditionally by God and that they are heirs to a rich tradition of faith as followers of Christ.
They will participate in age-appropriate, enriching, and fun curriculum that teach the lessons and stories of the Christian tradition.

Building Community Through Our Ministries
At St. Peter’s, we strive to create community and to help others. Through our ministry groups, we work to build connections with each other, making a space where folks can convene and walk in faith…together.
Our ministries also work to create volunteer opportunities to support our broader community as well as our parish. Below are a few examples of our ministry groups. Learn more about our ministries and reach out to learn more!

Women’s Faith Sharing
This group welcomes anyone who identifies as a woman — with or without children – to gather in a supportive and safe environment, sharing our walk in faith through reading, conversation, prayer, and lots of laughter.

Liturgical support
Help support worship services through reading, acolyting, and ushering, setting the altar and more. Like to sing? Join our choir! There are opportunities for adults and children alike!

Eco-Justice Action
Our vision is to work together to build a just and sustainable ecological ethic that informs our actions every day. Join us in strengthening our parish’s commitment to environmental and social consciousness.
Ways to get involved at St. Peter’s!
Be a Lector at one of our services! Sign up here.
Join our hospitality team! Send an email to learn more.
Participate in our Foyers Dinners! Send an email to learn more.
Volunteer to help with our Meal Train ministry. Send an email to learn more.
Join a Tidiness Team! Send an email to learn more.
connect with our community
St. Peter’s is more than a church. We’re a family.
Join us to protect the environment, work for racial healing and share God’s love.
Sign up to receive our newsletter | Visit our newsletter archive
Sunday Services
8:00 am Rite I Worship
10:00 am Rite II Worship
Sign up for our eNews!
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
59 Main Street
Cheshire, CT 06410
News to Share?
If you would like to add information to our web calendar, Sunday bulletin or eNews please email